Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Do you teach complete basketball players or just position players?

Do you teach complete players or just positions?

Is it wise, thoughtful, or productive to prevent a youth basketball player from learning a specific skill set?  For example, only having guard’s practice or big man’s practice. 

At the younger levels the kids that can handle the ball take most of the shots. Let me tell you a story. A parent contacted me about her  6’1 & 6’2 guard who has played in the post out of necessity with no guard skills (ball-handling, separation moves). 
What was he doing the last 4 years? 

If he 6'2 is good enough to play college ball how is he going to be successful in the POST when his competition is  6’7 and 6’8? 

Basically he has been playing out of position for 4 years. I believe this is a crime to our kids and that we should not prevent them from learning all skill sets.  I teach my BIGS ball handling and my Guards drop steps & hook shots.

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